
Showing posts from October, 2018

Your Dreams Can't Save You

              Savior.               What did this word bring to mind for you? Undoubtedly, for those professing to be Christians or those who grew up in the church, Jesus crossed your mind. For others, perhaps it was a significant role model- maybe a parent or grandparent without whom you would not be who you are. Still others think of a sports hero or celebrity who has been an encouragement to them or given them the word of hope that they needed in a dark time of life. Maybe it has even been a dream or hope for the future, not a person, that you consider to have rescued you from dark time.               All that being said, I imagine that the title of this article may have seemed a bit harsh, or perhaps even discouraging- especially in a culture where following your dreams seems to be one of the main messages promoted to young and old alike. It is more important than anything else, many would say, to be true to yourself and to your heart’s desires.               So what do